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National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week 2018 Picnic

On Saturday, September 15, The Graduate School's (TGS) Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) hosted its annual National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (NPAW) Picnic for Northwestern University's postdoctoral fellows and their families.

Since 2009, universities across the United States have celebrated NPAW to recognize the vital contributions postdoctoral fellows make to research and innovation. 

This year, the OPA hosted its largest picnic to date, with over 200 postdocs and their families celebrating the occasion with a day of food, family, and games at the South Lakefill.

Lindsey MartinPhD, Assistant Director of Postdoctoral Affairs, thanked guests for their commitment to their research. Lesley Lundeen, the Office of Human Resources' Family Resource Liaison, joined Martin in welcoming postdocs and spoke with members of the postdoc community about resources and opportunities available to Northwestern families.  

Elizabeth Stein, PhD, The Graduate School's Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Training and Development, spoke about why it was important for TGS to celebrate NPAW. "The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs supports our postdoctoral fellows not only as researchers and scholars but as parents, partners, friends, and members of The Graduate School’s community." she said. "We were so glad to see so many of you at the National Postdoc Appreciation Week celebration, and look forward to hearing about your successes this academic year!"

Please visit the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs' website and the Northwestern Postdoctoral Association's website to learn more about upcoming postdoc news, opportunities, and events. 

Categories: Around Campus